Ⅰ. Product Introduction
The base station type unattended gamma ray monitoring station, used for stationary monitoring, can be quickly deployed in emergency areas. It can be powered by built-in batteries or solar panels, and communicate through LTE or radio.
Ⅱ. Main Features
l Detects trace artificial nuclides quickly.
l Online spectrum analysis.
l Nuclide identification at the detector.
l Supports international standard data protocol N42.42.
l Needs no base platform to fix on.
l Stable automatic operation under extreme environment.
l Integrated design, easy for maintenance.
l Supports very high protection level of IP68.
l Movable, with telescopic and foldable brackets, easy for installation.
l Wireless data telecommunication.
l Optional GPS module.
Ⅲ. Technical Specifications
l Detector type: NaI(TI) crystal;
l Detector size: 3’×3’
l Dose rate range: 10nSv/h – 400μSv/h (10nSv/h – 100mSv/h with an optional G-M tube)
l Energy resolution: Cs137 (662KeV) <6.9%FWHM
l Energy range: 30keV~3MeV;
l Number of channels: 8192 channels (2048 channels used)
l Detector operating temperature: -40℃ - +60℃
l Power consumption: 2.5W (average)
l Diameter: 80/120mm
l Height: 1040mm
l Weight of the stationary type: 25kg
Ⅳ. Applications
l Monitoring of surrounding areas of nuclear power plants
l Monitoring of laboratories
l Emergency monitoring
l Mobile monitoring network
l Disease control monitoring