Fig. 1 In-situ high purity germanium gamma spectrometer measurement system
Ⅰ. Product Introduction
l Plane or coaxial high purity germanium detector is equipped with a pre-amplifier set in the portable refrigeration unit;
l Multi-channel spectrometer;
l Data analysis software package is provided, including hardware settings, energy spectrum acquisition and analysis, and sourcelesse efficiency calibration;
l Lead shielded device with a collimator;
l Trolleys and transport cases;
l Laser range finder;
l Accessories: liquid nitrogen filling funnel, power supply, etc.;
l Cables and text descriptions;
l A specially developed sourceless efficiency calibration software is used to calculate the detection efficiency of the measurement object with complex shape.
Ⅱ. Main Features
l Optimal size and weight for portable Application
l Placed on a trolley of a lead shield collimator;
l With the liquid nitrogen filled, the detector can reach the cooling temperature in a very short time;
l Simple operation and maintenance;
l Laser measurement instructions;
l In any direction within 360°;
Ⅲ.Technical Specifications
Parameter | Index |
Energy range (keV): Standard type Extended type |
40-10000 3-10000 |
High purity germanium detector efficiency (%): | The typical value is 30; detectors with other efficiency is optional |
Energy resolution of 30% efficiency detector (keV) @122keV @1.33MeV |
0.875 1.85 |
Peak – to – Compton ratio | 58:1 |
Refrigeration time (h) | 4** |
Automatic running time (days) | 1-5** |
Thickness of aluminum package (mm) | 7 |
Weight of detector and Dewar bottle: | 5-12** |
l The front cable connector has a standard NIM interface: DC power supply ± 12V-D-Sub-9 pin
l Detection efficiency of high-purity germanium detector: 10% -100%
l Depending on the volume of Dewar bottle and the efficiency of detector.
Ⅳ. Applications
l The in-situ high purity germanium gamma spectrometer measurement system can be used for measurements of radioactivity of gamma and X-ray, including radioactive substances in the environment, radioactive items in industrial and agricultural products, and enterprises engaging in the storage and disposal of nuclear waste.